Campervan Cooking – Our Top 5 Recommendations

Campervan Cooking – Our Top 5 Recommendations

Campervan cooking is one of the things we love most about owning a campervan. It’s a convenient, fun way to recharge after an exciting day out or to keep yourself on the move whilst on a road trip. In this blog, we will share some of our top recommendations for...
5 Top Tips for your First Campervan Trip in the UK

5 Top Tips for your First Campervan Trip in the UK

With the hot weather and long days, summer is the perfect time to take to the road on your first campervan trip! In this blog, we will share five of our top tips for new campervan owners to help you get the most out of your first campervan trip. From campervan trip...
Best Campervan Destinations in the UK for Summer 2022

Best Campervan Destinations in the UK for Summer 2022

Summer is finally upon us and what better time to explore the best campervan destinations for you to take your Free Spirit Campervan! With the long days and good weather, Summer is an absolutely fantastic time of the year to head out on the road and explore our...
The Top 5 Benefits of Owning a Campervan

The Top 5 Benefits of Owning a Campervan

The benefits of owning a campervan – do you know what they are? We might be a little biased, but we can’t help ourselves! The truth is, campervans are a fantastic addition to any lifestyle. From those looking to spend weeks or months exploring the open...